Friday, October 6, 2017

Unit 3-Biology and Behavior

Today's Agenda:

1 comment:

  1. Aaron Hernandez is a sad case, weather, he killed those people because he had CTE or was under the influence of drugs and alcohol I don't know. I do however, think that its sad that many other players, do have it, and ultimately die from it. To me the saddest part is that, these players, who for the most part come from low socioeconomic backgrounds, feel like this is the only way out. These players are essentially rendered into a life of severe brain damage, because there is no other way for them to make their way in society. Lastly, shame on the NFL for knowingly keeping CTE research buried away, and for instructing team doctors to send players back into games when they were already hurt. It's sad that Aaron Hernandez's life spiraled out of control, its sad that at 27 he had the brain of a 60 year old and It's sad that he committed suicide, but you can't say that Aaron really tried to help himself either (no one else really tried either) and to me that is the saddest part.
