Thursday, October 12, 2017

Unit 3-Biology and Behavior

Today's Agenda:
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  1. Aaron Hernandez was diagnosed post-mortem with CTE. As a result of this his fiance and daughter filed a lawsuit against the National Football League. They said they would defend themselves against the claim that because of football was the reason for his suicide. The science itself, like most attempts to link brain biology to behavior, is much more open to interpretation. There’s no serious argument about whether violence comes from the brain, it's just hard to claim that the particular brain injury caused an act of violence.

  2. Aaron Hernandez who was convicted of murder, killed himself and scientists found a crazy discovery. They found that Hernandez at age 27 had the brain of a 60 year old. This is thought to be due to the disease known as C.T.E. which a disease that is found in most football players and causes brain degeneration. -Jared Nakkashian

  3. so Aaron Hernandez killed a guy then hung himself in prison which sucks but anyway, it believed to be from CTE, and his family is suing the NFL now. But we don't know if was truly because of CTE that he did the things he did because the science is totally legit yet so yeah.

  4. Scientists linked Aaron Hernandez's act of violence and his own suicide to the disease CTE. His brain is supposedly equivalent to the brain of someone in their sixties when Aaron was just twenty seven when he committed suicide. His symptoms (violence and aggression) is just one of the reasons scientists believe that Aaron had CTE. Aaron's daughter and fiance are suing the national football league due to the disease.

  5. This article discusses whether or not Aaron Hernandez's violence was linked to CTE or if it was more of the environment he surrounded himself with. Aaron played football for a good amount of time and it doesn't seem unrealistic for him to have sustained all of this brain damage. Some scientists say that the violence in football players must come from severe brain damage, others argue that "There’s no serious argument about whether violence comes from the brain". I believe that Aaron, like many of the other football players who have similarly committed suicide or acted out violently, must have suffered from brain damage that stems from multiple years of a football career. Environment could give its own push towards the violence, but the aggression comes from the brain damage. Hernandez's family have filed a lawsuit against the NFL for the damage they believe playing football had done to him and the NFL plans on fighting the suit.

    Kyra McLean

  6. To me, the most interesting part of this article was that many researchers, even though they found that Aaron Hernandez had C.T.E., could not link this to violence. They could not prove that a particular injury in the brain would lead to violent behavior. I also found it interesting that the only way they can fully tell if someone has C.T.E. is to perform an autopsy. Judges only have a limited amount of scientific evidence to make decisions in court, which will be difficult.

  7. Aaron Hernandez had very severe brain damage and when he was killed, he was diagnosed with CTE. Although Hernandez had CTE, that does not mean that is what caused him to be violent, but the scientist that did the study on Hernandez found that the behavior found was also found within 100+ other players with the same disease. He was also into drugs that could cause aggression such as steroids. The fact that violence comes from the brain is still inconclusive, and it is very hard to find a claim that relates a particular part of the brain so a particular piece of violence. -Zach Morris

  8. I found it interesting that some psychologists and brain doctors are speculating C.T.E to be one of the possible reasons Aaron Hernandez committed murder and suicide. Specifically, frontotemporal degeneration affects the motivation and impulse part of the brain. This could serve as a reason why he was involved in drugs. In addition, this type of dementia can stimulate aggression and depression.

  9. This article was very interesting. i dont understand how people can still argue that aggression doesnt stem from the brain. Especially a damaged brain. this theory was basically already sloved following the death of mike webster and many more former nfl players who took thier own lives very early.

  10. I think that aaron hernandez had cte, with everyone thinking that 10 out of 24 players have it that's definitely the cause. They checked out players and most of the 100 players had the same exact symptoms. Almost all of the players showed symptoms and them and their families decided to donate their brains for research. They linked steroids a big factor in the cte as well. studies say people under the influence of drugs and alcohol are likely to be more violent.

  11. Aaron Hernandez is a sad case, weather, he killed those people because he had CTE or was under the influence of drugs and alcohol I don't know. I do however, think that its sad that many other players, do have it, and ultimately die from it. To me the saddest part is that, these players, who for the most part come from low socioeconomic backgrounds, feel like this is the only way out. These players are essentially rendered into a life of severe brain damage, because there is no other way for them to make their way in society. Lastly, shame on the NFL for knowingly keeping CTE research buried away, and for instructing team doctors to send players back into games when they were already hurt. It's sad that Aaron Hernandez's life spiraled out of control, its sad that at 27 he had the brain of a 60 year old and It's sad that he committed suicide, but you can't say that Aaron really tried to help himself either (no one else really tried either) and to me that is the saddest part

  12. In the article Aaron Hernandez was said to have CTE for the major cause of his acts. His brain, when the autopsy was preformed, had injury's akin to former NFL players in there 60's but this might be the only cause to why he acted in such ways. Hernandez had admitted to the use of steroids which does increase aggression through testosterone. Another would be the possibility of dementia as this also effects the same areas of the brain where Hernandez's was hit. When i comes down to it stating that due to Hernandez's actions that just CTE was the only cause of them can be hard to claim because of all the other things that could account for this murder case.

  13. Aaron Hernandez was convicted of murder and was sentenced to jail where he hung himself at age 27. Scientists this behavior is due to a disease called CTE which deteriorates the brain. Scans done on is brain showed that his brain resembled brains of players from the 60's that were diagnosed with CTE. This points the blame of Hernandez's behavior on this disease.

  14. For years there has been debate about NFL football players and head injuries. The most recent C.T.E. injury being talked about is the one concerning Aaron Hernandez. Hernandez, who was a tight end for the New England Patriots, recently killed himself in prison. Due to severe brain trauma discovered, his wife and daughter filed a lawsuit with belief that these injuries are what lead to his personality change and suicide. C.T.E has been a major issue for years within the NFL. Other issues such as dementia and steroids are being looked into more alongside C.T.E. --- Ariana Moniz

  15. Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his jail cell and when the autopsy was run the cause of his suicide was thought to be CTE. When his family got news of this they decided to sue the NFL in hopes of getting money from the trauma of losing their loved one. However the NFL has already known about the cases of CTE and are now again forced to go back and see if the effects of CTE can be treated and or if they can find out if a player has CTE before they die and attempt to find a treatment for it.

  16. Aaron Hernandez committed horrible murders. Scientists attribute his crimes to CTE as he played football for a good portion of his life, leading to a very realistic possibility for him to have CTE. However, Aaron Hernandez had a questionable character and even excluding CTE his actions are not that surprising. While CTE most certainly played a part in Hernandez's actions, his past ties relating to gangs and drugs also could play a part. CTE invokes violence and aggression so both sides could have played a part in his actions.

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  18. Aaron Hernandez died at the age of 27 by suicide. His autopsy revealed that he had a brain injury akin to those seen in afflicted former players in their 60's. His daughter filed a lawsuit against the NFL because they beleived football was the cause of him turn into a murderer and suicidal. Symptoms and factors of C.T.E include aggression, dementia, illicit drugs, steroids, and mentally unstable. C.T.E can only be diagnosed when the person is dead which can result in shock of the family. Scientist are now working on inventing tests to study the live brain for C.T.E.

  19. The article written by The New York Times is about Aaron Hernandez who was a football player for the New England Patriots. The Article talks about the the effects of brain injuries on NFL player such as himself. The extent of the damage on his brain was like a player who is in his 60s, this is a 33 year difference. After his death his fiancee filed for a lawsuit that his death was a resulting of playing the game the NFL denied this claim. As the time went on Scientist at the university of Boston comped the deaths of 100 players and saw that all experienced a change in their behavior. There is one good outcome of his death and that is that scientist are trying to find a way to diagnose the CTE when the players are still alive.

  20. Aaron Hernandez was diagnosed with CTE after his death, in prison, in 2017. It is assumed that many different football players may have also suffered from CTE, which is why many football players have died or acted out violently. Unfortunately CTE can only be diagnosed after death, when an autopsy is preformed. As the research and science that go along with the understanding of CTE continues to develop it will be interesting to see if football players will be able to be treated and people can be helped before they die from CTE.
    -Ryley O'Brien

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  22. Aaron Hernandez, a former tight end for the New England Patriots who was convicted of murder killed himself last April. During an autopsy scientists found that he had similar brain injuries as retired NFL players in their sixties. All the trauma that his head suffered could have been the reason that he committed his crimes. Researchers say that 10 out of every 24 NFL players suffer from CTE. Researchers are also saying that drugs and alcohol could have had an impact with his CTE -Mike

  23. After former football player, Aaron Hernandez, committed suicide in prison scientists were able to take an autopsy of his brain and compare it to an average brain as well as being able to examine the brain deeper. The article says that while they were examining they found that Aaron Hernandez had a disease called C.T.E which may be the cause for his violence and aggression. They also talked about how common C.T.E is in footballers, with that much evidence Aaron's family is suing the NFL for Aaron's suicide.

  24. Former NFL player Aaron Hernandez was convicted of several murderers, and then committed suicide in prison at the age of 27. They said that his actions were related to a disease called C.T.E This means that his brain is similar to an elderly person. The disease also could have caused his aggression.

  25. NFL player, Aaron Hernandez was charged for several murders of different people and was in and out of prison since he was 27 years old. He ended up killing himself in his prison cell. It was reported that he was diagnosed with CTE and his brain was in relation to an old person over the age of 60.This may relate to his anger and aggression and the way he acted out.

  26. In this article, NFL Patriots player Aaron Hernandez was convicted of murdering 2 people. Last April, Hernandez committed suicide in prison. Scientists performed an autopsy and found that the cause of his suicide may be linked to CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) and also could explain his past anger and aggression. The damage to his brain looked similar to a former player in his 60's. This huge age difference makes scientists wonder if he had so much brain damage and possibly even CTE that it was way further ahead than previously thought. Scientists are now trying to find ways to diagnose CTE earlier on while they are still alive. With this, they could take preventative measures so that football players will be able to treat their CTE if they know.
