Friday, October 13, 2017

Unit 3-Biology and Behavior

Today's Agenda:

Finish: Endocrine System Visual

Article #1: Hormones and Desire
Article #2: Growth Hormone and Athletic Performance and Aging
Article #3: Hormones, Stress, and Aggression

Read all 3 articles. Choose 1 and respond to in the comment section of the blog.

Optional/Fun: Personality Traits Quiz


  1. In article one some animals have weird ways of mating. when a woman is in the middle of her cycle the way she shows it is by dressing different and flirty more according to the article. It is not debatable that men and women have no awareness of how much the hormonal mechanisms do to them.

  2. Article #1 talks about how animals have basically a higher sex drive than humans because of their estrus. But, that may not be the case. Women don't show signs like spraying pee as cats do, but during a 6 day period before and after they are ovulating they tend to dress more provocative, flirt more, and are even more sexually excited. These signs aren't always so obvious to see, but men and women hormones can both sense the others cues and respond.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I read the first article, Hormones and Desire. I found it interesting that women and sometimes even men become more sexually excitable during a woman's cycle. Studies show that women like the appearance of more masculine men and like to dress more flirty in the middle of their cycle. Men also can show signs of sexual excitability by mimicking flirtatious behaviors in the middle of women's cycle. Overall, it is evident that hormones affect both the male and female behavior during this time.

  5. A Team of Behavioral neuroscientists are trying to see why under stress people tend to lash out but then calm down extremely fast. The team looked at a rats and found that once they felt threatened they would lash out and would attack. They noticed that the rats would release stress hormones. In the end they noticed that release the hormones in the aggressive system would cause the rat to fight without another rat. The finding of this experiment will shed light on why people turn violent in settings previously associated--for them--with aggression: Their stress hormones rise, facilitating the onset of aggression and making them more likely to become violent in seemingly benign settings.

  6. In article 2, the researchers talk about the use and injection of growth hormone. Growth hormone is a natural occurring protein produced in the pituitary gland in the brain and this protein does a lot pf stuff that affects ones health. The article talks about how it may be dangerous to inject or use and can have many negative side effects.

  7. In Article one it talks about how female animals display signs of sexual arousal like peeing everywhere. Whereas women may act and dress more provocatively before or after ovulation. These signs may be hard to spot as this isn't always the case.

  8. Researchers did a study to see how stress and aggression go hand in hand in order to do this they used rats. The rats were put in certain social situations to see whether they would pick fight or flight. The rats that chose fight were then sent to another lab that took out their adrenal glands to see what their next response would be. The scientists came to realize that the want to fight came from the aggression system that was brought on by the stress of the situation. The researchers also found out that in rats the hormones stay in the body for 10-30 seconds however in the human body they last 30 to 40 minutes.

  9. In article three, I found it interesting that as stress increases, aggression increases, and as stress decreases, aggression also decreases. The researchers experimented on rats, and found that even if there was no other rat, the rat could still become stressed if they felt threatened. They concluded that the activation of the aggressive system causes the stress response, not fighting.

  10. In article 3, it talks about the effects that hormones have when rats are put under stress. The main response is aggression. All of their findings showed that when put into a situation where violence is not related the side affect is still a violent behavior. It has been found that hormones being released will increase violent behavior but which explains why people have a had time controlling their anger.

  11. Growth hormone a protein created by the pituitary gland and is secreted into the bloodstream. GH does many things including boosting protein production, promotes the utilization of fat. This has inspired many athletes and older men to use it for its effects. GH is also used therapeutically. GH is popular in sports as adults abuse GH to get larger muscles, more energy, and improved exercise capacity from replacement therapy. Men often use GH to fight the effects of aging.

  12. In November 2004, scientists found evidence that stress and aggression are connected in rats and thus humans. The scientists raised both the stress hormone and activated the aggression center in two groups of rats. They discovered that as they raised either, the other would increase as well. This discovery could perhaps shed some light on some unexplained problems, as to why traffic leads to road rage. The stress hormone might not make people violent, but it lowers the threshold for violence in the brain, making even peaceful people more prone to violence.

  13. Article 1- Hormones and Desire
    In this article, the researcher Gangestad studies the female and male hormones and how the interact. She suggests that womens cycle is more powerful then we know it. Women advertise when they are ovulating. They tend to dress more sexual midcycle; aslo even show minuscule shifts in their voice pitch and scent. Men respond to the womens cues. Studies show eviedence that a mans testosterone elevates when they smell a shirt worn by a women midcycle. Studies also show evidence that men also have a cycle throughout the day. Evidence that support this is the fact that men have high testosterone in the morning and it levels throughout the day. Another study suggests that women in midcycle prefer flings with men then a commited relationship. In other periods of their cycle they tend to want father mateial men. Another study shows that men get more possessive and lovey of women during the womens ovulation period. In conclusion, the womens hormones somehow connect with the males hormones which create sexual desire to one another.

  14. a research team has found that hormonal stress and aggression have a link. They tested on 53 male rats by electrically stimulating the brains aggression control center and they found that if you raised the hormone the aggression would also increase. The researchers also found that once a rat was stressed, it would release its stress hormone without another rat present, which is weird because they don't do that normally. they then removed the rats adrenal glands and injected them with the stress hormone and they were, surprise, aggressive! moral of the story if you are stress you might want to knock someone out.

  15. I read article two about hormones, stress and aggression. In this article scientists set out to test behavior in rats. They observed how a stimulus on the rat's environment would make them aggressive and even attack other rats. The findings of this study can better help scientists to understand what makes people in violent, and the stress hormones that aid this process.

  16. In the article about growth hormones and athletic performance and aging, they talk about the use of injection of HGH. GH are natural and is protein produced through the pituitary gland in the brain. This gland can do a lot to protect ones health. It is dangerous to inject GH and can have many harmful outcomes.

  17. In article 1 through the studies of how Hormones and desire effect animals and humans is quite interesting. The way other animals show there sexual readiness is very different from us as we don't tend to show obvious sighs that points towards picking partners. Females will tend to dress more provocatively mid way through their cycle of ovulation and even have a higher tone pitch in their voice along with more soft skin. Men tend to be more possessive of their partners while she is going through her menstrual cycle and if looking for a partner in straight men, testosterone levels raise when talking to an attractive woman. all and all the way human behave when it comes to Hormones and sexual desire is very different from other animals

  18. In the first article about hormones and animals,it says that women and animals are a lot different when it comes to sexual desire and how animals make it more obvious when they have a desire and how in women it is not as obvious and is shown almost secretly.

  19. In the first article, it explains that when women are on their cycle they me be inclined to want to be more attractive. Because of this, they may then dress more provocatively. Men tend to pick up on these signals, which creates a period where both sexes are attracted to each other.

    1. In article one, it first discusses how animals tend to make it quite obvious they are interested in mating while humans are quite the opposite. A new set of research explained in this article explains how this might not actually be the case. During their monthly cycle, females will tend to dress more provocatively mid way through ovulation. Not only this, but they tend to also exemplify a higher tone pitch in their voice and have softer skin. During this time period men are affected as well says the study. They may become more possessive of their partners, and for single men, testosterone levels raise when talking to woman they find attractive. To summarize the reading as a whole, humans behave very differently when it comes to hormones and sexual desire compared to animals.

  20. I think it’s unfair for athletes to consume growth horomones and or steriods, it gives them an unfair advantage on the field and in the gym. It’s also very dangerous and unsafe for the brain and the body.

  21. Article one talks about during a women's monthly cycle they are more interested in mating because their hormones are giving them a sexual desire. During the cycle a study shows that women may dress more provocatively than usual. They also have high pitched voices and their skin softens during the cycle. Women also become more attractive to their partner during the cycle

  22. In the first article, "Hormones & Desire", it describes how sexual desire is shown differently between humans and other mammals. With other animals, it is much more obvious to the males that they are ovulating, and have more sexual desire. But, with humans it may nit be as noticeable. In a recent study, it was shown that this may not be the case, and women do actually show small signs like how they dress, talk and act towards men while they are ovulating for men to pick up on. It also has been studied that men have certain desire changes throughout time, with cycling testosterone levels.
