Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Unit 2-Psych. Research

Today's Agenda:


  1. I believe what they are saying makes sense. If you are expecting a divorce I think you see it as a better thing than if It's really out of left field. Dirvoce can definitely put children and the middle and make them have feelings of anxiety. I get that most children are okay into adulthood and it makes sense. Although I can see why some would have trouble with relationships especially if they had to watch a ton of material problems.

  2. I found this article interesting because over 1.5 million children have had their parents get a divorce. I was surprised to see the feedback from this article because previous to reading it, I thought divorce was bad for children but this statement is only accurate for a short period of time. Most kids end up doing well in the future and become very successful in life whether it's individually or with a spouse. Parents provided emotional support to their children which helped them to allow the bump in their life (the divorce) smoothen out.

  3. Divorce, in most situations, does not have serious repercussions. I've had several friends that have gone through divorces, and none of them faced lasting trauma from the divorce itself. A few of them even felt relieved that their parents broke up and the tensions in the home could dissipate. Furthermore, if there was parental conflict at home, it would likely be relieving to the child for the conflict to end, as that would be a constant stressor.

  4. The research in the article surprised me because I learned more about the effects of divorce on children. I used to think that most children faced with divorce end up having more long term issues in life. However, the article makes a good point of saying that not all divorces are as traumatizing as most people think. Although divorce is difficult at first for most children to deal with, they eventually overcome it and are able to successfully move on with no issues. I think this article is important because it makes people aware of the true effects divorce, as well as mentioning how to help lessen the negative effects on children.

  5. Being a divorced child myself, I saw the accuracy in the fact that divorce usually does not have long term results. However, I was surprised to find out that most divorced parents have greater difficulties adjusting than the children of their divorce. I found it hard to believe that one of the repercussions of the divorce on the parent can go as far as substance abuse. On that note, I would like to see how the substance abuse of a divorced parent would affect the child and if it would a slower recovery for the child than the divorce itself.

  6. I found it hard to believe that one of the repercussions of the divorce on the parent can go as far as substance abuse. Divorce can definitely put children and the middle and make them have feelings of anxiety.Although divorce is difficult at first for most children to deal with, they eventually overcome it and are able to successfully move on with no issues.

  7. It definitely makes sense that marital conflict before a divorce would actually help a child be okay with the split. If a child thinks that their parents have a great relationship and that everything is okay, and then a bomb is dropped on them, that could cause repercussions like mistrust and anxiety. But, if a child's parents have been fighting and showing definite signs that they were unhappy, the announcement of a divorce would probably come as less of a surprise and more of a relief to a child.

  8. Divorce affects most children in a short period of time. I thought that most children were affected by divorce for long term but the article put in perspective that not all children are traumatized by this. I was surprised to find out that most divorced parents have greater difficulties adjusting than the children of their divorce. in conclusion this article made me realize how kids really deal with divorce and the effects

  9. This article was very cut and dry and really left out the feelings of the children of divorce. I find it hard to believe that the kids who had fighting parents were fine with the divorce. Being a kid with divorced parents, to me this article isn't really accurate. I think that kids no matter what will eventually deal with it and accept it.

  10. I can relate to this article because my parents got divorced when I was fairly young. I agree that the initial occurrence of a divorce can be heartbreaking, but the children tend to overcome it. In my opinion, divorce encourages the children to make their own decisions in the long run. I think a very difficult aspect of divorce are step parents. Some children don't mind their step parents, but others can dread them. There are many different aspects that play a role into divorce recovery, and I think it depends on everyone's own situation.

  11. I learned a lot from this article about divorce. I come from an intact family so I didn't get to experience the struggles of it. I find it interesting and good to know that there is not much difference later in life with kids that went through divorce among their parents and kids that didn't. With the parents split they are emotionally there for the kids and that helps a lot. It is good to know that kids recover from this and find happiness with a spouse when they are older. Although divorce ends u not affecting kids when they are older, I am happy my parents are together.

  12. This article tell some unknown truths about kids dealing with divorce. The only problem is that each person is different. Some kids might take it harder than others and never get over the divorce while, others will accept it in time. One of my moms friends got divorced with her husband and looking at their kid, shes is a train wreck. She has secluded herself from everyone, has gone emo to attract attention to herself, never leaves her room, doesn't socialize at all, etc.I was just at a social gathering with her and she never took her attention off her phone the entire time and, I'm not over exaggerating. I hope that it is just a phase but, for the time being she is absolutely miserable. Each case is different and should be treated different. I would hope that most people will get on with their lives but, I guess some people can't. A very truthful article indeed.

    JoSh A

  13. This aritcle about divorce is very interesting. I can relate to this article a lot because my parents got divorced too. I find it's weird how they try to make it seem like getting a divorce is okay because so many poeple do it. In the longrun it hurts the child. It is good to know that kids can recover and find happiness when they eventually get older. I wish my parents never seperated.

  14. This article shows the effects divorce has on children compared to those who have not experienced it. Although a lot of children have gone through it, there is still a bad stigma around the children of divorced parents. They are set with this predisposition that are not going to do well with future relationships and other social life things. Divorce does not affect children the way most people perceive. Although things can be tough during the moment, in the long run the children are okay. The thing that would have a greater impact would be any conflict that is associated with the divorce. This article shows that kids with divorced parents can be resilient.

  15. This article talks about the effects of divorce on children but says that the effects are not very long term. It talks about how the majority of children who have divorces are not as traumatized as most people think it will be. After a divorce, children will most likely go through issues at first but later on it will fade.

  16. The article tells of how many children of divorced parents have short term effects of the divorce. To my disbelief only about 15% of children have long lasting effect. This 15% applies to the of children who still experiences long term effect of their parents divorce. What makes the long term effects stay around is still unknown, but researchers predict that one factor could be poor parenting. This article reassures people that most children will suffer minimal if any long term effects due to divorce.

  17. This article was about the difference between long lasting effects and short term effects on children whose parents got a divorce. It is interesting to learn that not all kids are traumatized in the long term effect. I feel all kids are different though and react differently to different situations so for some kids it might be harder for them in the long term effect rather than the short term effect.

  18. I found this article very interesting. I am not part of a divorced family myself, but I do have friends and family that have dealt with it. I used to think that if a child felt traumatized it would be if they were younger. Since older kids would know how to deal with it better. I also found it interesting how they found that divorce would impact a person if they were older. I was also very curious as to how a person is impacted when it comes to adults that fight all the time. The article said that children were affected more when fighting parents stayed together rather than separating once the issues start.

  19. This article of divorce was fascinating to me and attracted my attention because my parents got divorced when i was little but it still effected me and still to this day effects me sometimes. Its sad to see how often divorce happens and how no one really pay attention how it can effect the kids in the longrun.
