Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Unit 1-What is Psychology/Mental Illness?

Today's Agenda:

  • Finish: the Chapter 18 attack
  • Read: recent article in the Union Leader calling out NH in our response to mental illness.
  • Leave a response in the comments section of this blog post.

Image result for mental illness


  1. While it's an interesting read, the article doesn't really go into detail about what sort of further treatment that state is required to provide for the mentally ill nor does it speak much of how New Hampshire failed in that aspect. Being a more conservative state (as evidenced by the election results), it is unsurprising that New Hampshire would take so long in progressing in an issue like this. Federal legislation would likely be more effective in situations like this, as the area of mental health and treatment requirements is quite a gray area in regards to politics.

  2. For years now New Hampshire has been lacking in services for the mentally ill. "The state Department of Health and Human Services has committed more staffing and leadership resources, the report said, but “progress toward compliance over the past six months has been relatively minor and therefore far short of the significant...". The mentally ill are suffering tremendously without these resources. Nobody deserves not do have a safe place to go when they are need of help. New Hampshire needs to help their people who may have a psychological issue because they are citizens if this state too.

  3. I think the suggested involvement of the court will benefit those with mental illnesses in the state of New Hampshire. However, New Hampshire has failed to provide the proper treatment for the mentally ill, so I wonder what the court will do that state officials cannot do.

  4. I think it's great that people want to give more attention to those with mental illness. I think like any other sickness mental illness is uncontrollable and not their fault just like something like a broken leg or a stroke. They both acquire immediate attention but require different treatments. I think it's important to develop 24/7 mental healthcare facilities similar to a 24/7 ER for people suffering from panic attacks and mental illnesses that impact their daily lives

  5. This article is about how New Hampshire is not paying much attention to mental illness and they are trying to get New Hampshire to respond quicker to these types of mental issues. I think this article was really interesting because it showed how New Hampshire reacts to mental illness and how they treat it. Other places are faster to respond to mental illness than New Hampshire which I found very surprising.

  6. New Hampshire lacks with helping and reporting mental illness. The state of Health and human services have been trying to help and make more resources for more mental illness. Although mental illness is not physical in a lot of ways it affects people more. New Hampshire is in need to help more of the citizens that have mental illness because they can't control the terrible disease.

  7. This article describes how slow New Hampshire is in reacting to mental illness. This article is very surprising because it shows what they do and how long it takes for them to do it, and it also describes how there are other places that have a faster reaction. My thoughts on this consist of wishing they could be faster and give immediate attention when needed.

  8. New Hampshire doesn't help as much as other states or report people that are mentally ill. Also that New Hampshire isnt as fast at responding to mental illness as other states.

  9. This article shows how little people care about the mentally ill. A bill was passed to help support these people and take care of them and the government has not kept up with its promises. Certain things that are easier to talk about or easier to understand get more funding because its easy. Other situations that people don't want to take the time to understand is put on the back burner and people don't want to give them support because they can not understand why they need it. In my opinion things that are less understood deserve more attention in able to fix that situation and gain more information on it.

  10. I think that the fentanyl crisis in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts play an effect on the response time for mental illness. The main focus of the medical response teams is overdose, which is sad. New Hampshire needs to establish a more efficient system for medical response.

  11. This article depicts how the state of New Hampshire fails to acknowledge people who are mentally ill. However, "The state Department of Health and Human Services has committed more staffing and leadership resources," which is great because we need more people and other services to care for the mentally ill BUT the time has been going by slow meaning the significant progress has been identified to meet the requirements.

  12. This article is about how New Hampshire is doing a very poor job on focusing on mental illnesses. In my opinion, mental health is something that should be focused on more. Their concern towards fixing these problems is good. They need to fix these problems soon.

  13. This article is about New Hampshire's push to become a state that better accepts mentally ill people into our community. There are still many mysterys that surround the mental health field, and one way to improve this is to start paying attention to mentally sick people in our local communities. I hope that this fight for better treatment of mentally ill people in New Hampshire will continually spread across the nation to help improve conditions for mentally ill people everywhere, not just in one state.

  14. This article is about how the state is moving to slowly in making improvements to assist the mentally ill. After being sued by the Disability Rights Center-NH, the state was required to expand services for the mentally ill. I feel mental health is very important and is something everyone should be focusing on in trying to improve. I feel New Hampshire needs to work on fixing these problems and finding treatment for the mentally ill.
