Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unit 4-Consciousness

Today's Agenda:

Frontline: Adolescents and Sleep. Read and comment on the blog below by Friday.


  1. I think it's interesting that when you longer you stay awake, the longer it will actually take you to fall asleep. It's also weird that before puberty, your biological clock makes teens stay more alert at night when they should be sleeping especially when teenagers are the age group that needs the most sleep. I think that all schools should push the times back so teenagers would be able to get more sleep and be able to perform better in school. All the research supports it so I don't understand what the hold up is. You can't just expect teens to learn good sleeping habits when everyone has such a busy schedule and so much going on.

  2. I agree that sleep is just as important as eating breakfast, meaning it prepares for the day. I well should just start later in the day. Especially since there's so much evidence stating that test scores will improve. I don't agree that binge-sleeping on the weekend is an unproductive way to catch up on sleep. If you have a very busy schedule binge-sleeping is one easier ways to catch up on some much needed sleep.

  3. in my opinion, students need more sleep because if they wake up before they're fully rested, they will not feel great throughout the day. students will feel tired and have less motivation than if they got to sleep until they were fully rested. the answer to this problem is to make school start later. teens can not go to bed earlier because they have homework, school, work, and a social life. some people may even have to take care of their younger siblings. starting school later in the morning will ensure that students get enough sleep to go about their day feeling great.

  4. I thought it was interesting of how they described a person’s sleep cycle as an “internal biological clock.” They say that the clock is what acts against the cycle by telling people when they are tired. Another common topic that was also mentioned was how many teens are lacking in getting enough sleep. On average teenagers only get between 5-6 because they go to bed between 11-12 and have to wake up early for school. Thus, there are many students who refuse to participate in school activists or get bad grades because of it.

  5. I think that todays generation students need more sleep that others because when they wake up early for school with not enough sleep, they tend to do more poorly in school. Typically they fall asleep more often in class and their grades tend to decrease. The answer to this problem is to start school later. Many teens have sports, work, and homework to get done after school while they are already tired from going to bed late and waking up early the day before.

  6. I believe that it is one of the worst things a teenager goes thru in their early states of adulthood. Teenagers just have so much going on including school, homework, after-school activities, alongs with friends and family time. I feel like yeah we could push back the time when schools start, but ultimately it is up to the kids. Growing up in life you learn that to get thru something, often you need to give something up to succeed in it. The most common analogy is, in a teenagers life, there are 3 main things going on in their life; Sleep, homework, and social life. Often you have to give up one of those to get thru. For example if you want good grades and a social life, you have to give up some sleep. And there should be a way for us to be able to get all of those without sacrificing one of them.

  7. I never new that the longer you stay awake the longer it takes you to fall asleep, i found that kind of interesting. Us teenagers are very sleep deprived. We have so much homework or we have to go to work or we have sports and we usually cant get to bed until 11 or 12. They expect us to wake up between 5 and 6 to go to school and learn with only 5 hours of sleep. They should definietly start school later.

  8. In my opinion teens do need more sleep like the article said. Teens are getting up much earlier then when they should be. Teens have to get up for school between 5-6 sometimes even earlier, after they get out of school many teens have sports, jobs or just trying to have a normal life and hang out with there friends. Teens aren't getting home until late, then going to bed at 11 or later, then it starts all over again. I do find it weird how the longer you stay awake the longer it takes for you to fall asleep

  9. If the time of school was later, it would be better for teens, instead of school starting at 7:20. Teens are expected to get up way to early but are not getting enough sleep, teens don't he home some nights until later then 10 because of sports or having jobs. I never knew that the longer you stay awake the longer it takes your body to reset and actually be able to go to sleep. We are expected to do way to much on the very little amount of sleep we are getting

  10. I agree that before puberty we had an easier time fallin asleep. I feel that when we were in Woodbury it was frowned upon to stay up past 10 but it is acceptable now. Some days I want to go back to those years just to stop a goodnight sleep. Now in high school we have so much homework and responsibilities that there are very few nights where I go to bed before 10pm

  11. Sleep has always been an interesting subject to me because I am a big fan of sleeping all the time but I often struggle to sleep at night. When the article mentioned "phase-delay" it made so much sense to me. Maybe it was not completely my fault that I had a hard time sleeping at night. I can't control puberty. I have always been a strong believer in teens needing more sleep. We lead demanding lives once we enter the end of middle school and begin high school and staying alert for 12 + hours really takes a toll on you.

  12. I liked this article because I think that teens do need more sleep. I think that it is sad that teens can't join teams because they are too tired. Clearly something needs to change. Falling asleep at the wheel is an issue that people need to figure out too. If a teen is going to risk dying because they are sleep deprived that is not good. It's hard to get the correct amount of hours of sleep but I think more teens should try harder to.

  13. I agree that sleep is important, especially in teens. High schools should really make the start time much later. It was interesting to find out that sleeping becomes harder after going through puberty, I've found that as a child sleeping was much easier than trying to fall asleep now. Also it was very interesting to me that the longer you stay awake the longer it takes you to fall asleep. different sleep habits that people create make sense to me now after reading this article.

  14. This article talks about how sleep is very important for young teenagers that are still growing. I believe this is true and can personally relate to this because I don't get enough sleep at night and because of that I have a hard time focusing in school. I also believe starting school later in the day would be very beneficial for teens and would help us stay motivated and focused because of a good nights sleep. Lastly because of teens not getting enough sleep at night that when they get home, could be right after school or after a job/sport teens are very tired and are too sleep deprived to do their homework. I believe teens do not get enough sleep and it would help us all out if we started school later.

  15. I liked this article as it supported the argument that teenagers need more sleep. Students are out of the house for 10 hours at a time without a full nights rest. I believe that a later school start could help eliminate some of the problems.

  16. This article was very interesting to me because it related to me. I am a teenager and it discusses how teens need more sleep. Us teens need more sleep. We don't get enough sleep because of the school work we have. In order to get more sleep, we should have less homework or maybe even shorter school days. Sports also go really late, I do not get home until 10:30 about one day a week from my games. Therefor, if school ended earlier, sports could end earlier and we would be able to sleep more because like the article says, teens need more sleep.

  17. When Bill Dement said how he has discovered how teens are sleep deprived. There have been many more case studies, and yet students still have to wake up at 6 am, go to school, go to practices or after school activities, go home and have dinner, homework some people have jobs. No one has done anything about this. I never knew sleeping in a cool environment can help with your sleep clock. This article is true in the sense that being younger the bed time was no later than 8 or 9. Now I find myself gong to sleep around 10. Which still isn't bad but during this age sleep is very important.
