Thursday, October 6, 2016

Unit 3-Biology and Behavior

Today's Agenda:

Image result for kinship studies


  1. I enjoyed reading this article because it supports the fact that gender stereotypes have nothing to do with the difference between boys and girls, just how society portrays us. Although we are different physically, many girls have boy stereotypes and many boys portray girl stereotypes. Society has changed our view on both genders today than what it was years ago.

  2. stereotypes for the 2 genders are not okay to make, but sometimes boys do things differently than girls. girls have different learning styles and judgement than boys. the MRI showed that boys use different parts of their brain to do the same task as girls.

  3. This article supports that there is only a physical difference between the genders. There are many psychological stereotypes that hold no water, and are merely society's idea of how the two genders should behave. However, many boys exhibit characteristics stereo typically feminine, and vise versa. While there may be a difference in the two genders, this is simply forced upon us by society, as there is no brain difference.

  4. I was intrigued by this article. Before I read it I just believed that due to society, boys and girls were pushed to think a certain way from a young age. I enjoyed how the article mentioned that young boys were told that they were strong and that young girls were often called pretty. I worked at a daycare and have interacted with young children commonly and I have fallen victim to saying some of those gender stereotypical names. The difference between a male and female brain is very cool.

  5. I really liked how this article only focused on the biological difference between the genders rather than the stereotypes. Boys and girls can exhibit traits of the opposite sex just based off of the type of brain they have and their skills. If more people realized this, especially parents, children or just people in general wouldn't have to be put under so much stress for how they should act because of what gender they are.

  6. This article was interesting because it discusses the differences of the human brain of females and males. For instance, the article discusses how when males are listening they use one side of their while females tend to use both sides. This is a piece of evidence of why females can multitask better than guys. Other information which stood out to me was that girls mature earlier than boys because of their high estrogen levels. Estrogen allows a person to not to lose their memories. Thus, men are more likely to have Alzheimer's because of their low estrogen level.

  7. I thought this was a great article. I liked how it talked about how gender stereotypes have nothing to do with how a male or female acts. Society today portrays us to be stereotypical. For example, boys have an obsession with sports and girls talk on the phone forever. Though boys and girls are different, they do share similar personalities and share similar stereotypes such as a girl being obsessed with sports and boys talking on the phone for a long time.

  8. Its so weird that guys only use one side of their brain while woman use both when listening. makes sense since guys never wanna listen to girls. i have never understood how men and women differentiate but now i have a better understanding of it

  9. I really enjoyed reading this article because it is interesting to see the differences in males and females. Females often use their brains more than males. That could be why most people say that females become more mature quicker than males. Our society is what gives us stereotypes of girls and boys.

  10. I liked this article because it talks about stereotypes. The article discusses how when males are listening they use one side of their while females tend to use both sides. Boys and girls are different but yet the same in many ways. Common stereotypes for boys are much different than stereotypes for girls. I learned that boys use different parts of their brains when listening then girls do.

  11. Stereotypes are a major factor in society. Reading this article stereotypes themselves became more clear to me. Females are able to multitask better than male because they listen with both sides of their brain rather than just one. The human brain is a major cause of the reaction boys and girls have to the opposite sex. If parents and classmates were to realize that the brain makes someone do what they, kids would understand that there is no need for stereotypes.

  12. I enjoyed reading this article. Especially when I learned that researchers are warned not to stereotype either gender. It gives us both the researcher and the audience a chance to analyze the results without any preconceptions. It's very easy to judge a person or expect them to be a certain way based on their gender. This article shows that some stereotypes tend to be true but not because of any known prejudiced but because they were facts to back it up.

  13. Stereotypes are interesting. There are many stereotypes that are talked about in our day, the big ones including gender stereotypes. This article is very interesting because it shows how men and woman differ, but from a different aspect. Brain activity is obviously different between the genders but i found it very intriguing that boys tend to use one side of their brains while listening and girls tend to use both sides. The two genders are clearly different on many aspects, which sprouts stereotypes, but when it comes to the physiology and what each gender does with their brains, is very similar in ways. That is what made this article so interesting to me.

  14. I enjoyed reading the contrasts between girls and boys. Stereotypes play a big role in today's society, especially when it comes to gender. I find it fascinating how when listening guys only use half their brain while girls use their whole brain. Although some of the experiments showed that boys and girls use different parts of their brains to perform the same tasks, stereotypes as a whole are simply not true.

  15. I enjoyed reading the contrasts between girls and boys. Stereotypes play a big role in today's society, especially when it comes to gender. I find it fascinating how when listening guys only use half their brain while girls use their whole brain. Although some of the experiments showed that boys and girls use different parts of their brains to perform the same tasks, stereotypes as a whole are simply not true.

  16. Hi! Thank you for information! I also read interesting information about this topic here:How to Write a Biology Lab Report
