Thursday, March 16, 2017

Unit 3-Biology and Behavior

Today's Agenda:

Image result for neurons


  1. The benefits of teaching social and emotional skills are extreme, as it could help children in worse situations obtain the opportunity to improve themselves. Additionally, since children from ages 5-18 spend 6 hours a day for 5 days a week at school, it would certainly be beneficial for them to pick up better social and emotional skills in the long run at a place they spend si much time in. While school's main focus is intelligence-based learning, it should broaden its horizons to give all children an equal opportunity to learn the skills they will need for adulthood, and these skills are not purely intelligent-based. This is a very interesting concept and I am glad to see that schools are beginning to implement such a thing across the nation.

  2. I thought Shulla-Cose had the right idea of adding social and emotional skills to the future life process. Most young adults have the idea that the habitual four year college is a must for a post graduation plan. However, most young adults become college eligible, but not college ready. By that I mean that young adults can get into college, but are they actually ready to start their adult lives and do adult things. Teaching social and emotional skills is awesome because it teaches young adults how to properly interact and handle certain situations for the start of their adult life. It teaches them that high school is definitely not the real world, that's for sure.

  3. I like how the test scores were brought up. It showed that only 8% of perspectives students passed the multi state college readiness tests. It also compared that to the 99% of perspectives kids that got accepted into the colleges and the 44% that graduate. Im glad that they are finally starting to recognize the impact that our emotions have on schoolwork. They realized that kids need to be able to make their own decisions and go through the consequences, both good and bad. By giving each child an important role they are making them feel like they are a part of the school community rather than just going to get work done and be gone. Overall its a great concept and needs to be shared with as many schools as possible.

  4. I believe that you need to get both social and emotional skills are very valuable to your learning. Most of the times during school everything is based on Intelligence, which won't help you with everything in life. To get through the rest of life you need to know how to interact with people and how do live your life outside of school. I believe that getting this different type of education is critical for the rest of their life.

  5. It is good that people are finally understanding the social and emotional skills students extremely affect how they'll go through life after school. Social skills is huge in the real world and you need to know to interact and control your emotions. Also making kids more independent for later in life and going through the hardships early life has. I think this concept of learning will go far in schools and it needs to be introduced

  6. I believe that people should be learning about their social and emotional skills and it is good they they are finally being taught in order to benefit people's future lives. In order to get through life, you need to learn, what I would call, the "skills of life". By this I mean that you cannot get through life just based off of your education. You need to have the social and emotional skills to help you proceed through your life. This was an interesting article and it is important that they are finally starting to teach the life skills you need and not only teaching intelligence.

  7. I agree that learning about social and emotional skills is crucial to success. What stood out to me the most was what Ronald Brown, a senior at Trinity College mentioned about learning about social-emotional skills. He said that these skills taught him to be open-minded, to try new things, to challenge each other and himself intellectually, to have good time management, etc. I believe traits like these are essential to become successful in college and in life in general.

  8. I think that it is important for schools to recognize that social and emotion skills are just as important for being ready for collage as being ready academically. I thought that it was really fascinating how some schools were even going as far as to design there whole school around the social and emotional needs of their students. And other schools are even creating mandatory classes on social and emotional skills that will better help their students in their life. The schools are now teaching social skills along with improving students intelligence. This shows that the schools that are doing this are trying to help their students be the best they can be, through collage and in life.

  9. I think the article made a great point. We are pressured so much in school to get good grades and study and know everything or we won't succeed in college, yet they never teach us how to live and succeed in life after college. I think social skills and the principles taught in the middle school were a great idea and helped prepare the students not only for academic life, but challenges and more personal difficulties they will face throughout life and how to handle them which is very important. -jess duffy

  10. I believe the article had a good point by teaching social and emotional skills to students. After Highschool people find that life is not all about the academics and then they are overwhelmed with the reality of life. Teaching Social and emotional skills should become more necessary in schools. These social and emotional skills may benefit the academics by helping students everywhere compare things in their lives to school.


  11. I think the article had a good point by teaching social and emotional skills to highschoolers. Social skills are very important you need them to be able to communicate with the world. The social and emotional skill benefit the academics by helping students. Overall These skill are very important to know and understand and they will help you in life.

  12. I think that it's important that schools recognize that social and emotion skills are just as important for being ready for collage as being ready for life. Realizing that kids need to be able to make their own decisions and go through the consequences, both good and bad. While school's main focus is intelligence-based learning, it should broaden its horizons to give all children an equal opportunity to learn the skills they will need for adulthood, and these skills are not purely intelligent-based.

  13. I think this article is really important that schools will recognize the social and emotional skills that are imporant for for kids going into college and being ready for life. It's important that kids make their own desicions and won't have to have bad consequences to go along with it. Schools should open there horizon more to an equal oppurtuinty for all types of students.

  14. I think the article made an important point about social and emotional skills. It is very important for kids who are going to college and leaving their homes to be prepared and ready for life and the real world on their own. Once you are in college you will be making decisions on your own and I think it is important for kids to learn these skills needed for adulthood.

  15. I think that if you have the motivation in school then you will do well. I don't think that just because you go to a charter school or a school that teaches discipline you will do any better than a kid who goes to public school. I think that it is all about how hard you work and if you are motivated to do well. I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to and as long as you try your hardest you will be fine. I don't think that charter school students are more likely to ask for help. I think that in public school you have to work harder because you don get that special attention. I think that you are forced to do a lot more on your own.

  16. The article made an excellent and significant point that it's important to recognize that social and emotional skills will be beneficial for students in the near future, especially in college. You need to make your own decisions and make great life choices in order to be successful. Students need to be independent in order to do so. Also this article talks about how it does not all have to be based on academics but other different types of skills to help them advance through life.
