Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Unit 2-Psych. Methods

Today's Agenda:

Chapter 2 Review (Open Note)
Finish: Small Group Research (Group Share tomorrow)
Read and comment below: Is Divorce Bad for Children?

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  1. In this article, I found it interesting that researchers found younger children had more long-term issues by being a child of divorce. I would think that teenagers would have more long-term issues because teenagers know what's going on. Children don't understand what's going on at such a young age. Having parents that divorced during my sophomore year, my grades plummeted and I didn't have any motivation to do my school work. I found it interesting that the researchers didn't find much difference with kid's grades after divorce.

  2. After reading this article, I was shocked to find that research says children whos parents are going through a divorce do not struggle emotionally all that much. I've always just assumed that children go through extream highs and lows when their parents split. I find it hard to believe that children who's parents are going through a divorce do not suffer much, butI guess its up to me to look more into research on this topic

  3. The article states that if there is marital discord before the divorce, the child's reaction to the divorce consists of significantly less despair, and sometimes even happiness. I believe this is caused by the child realizing there is an issue with the relationship before the divorce is finalized. Children who witness their parents' divorce may be confused because they believe that everything is okay, and now everything is falling apart.

  4. This article talks about how divorce affects children and I was surprised about what I learned. I did not know that most kids recovered rapidly form divorce. When parents have high levels of conflict before divorce, the child will actually recover faster after the divorce. I did not know this but it makes sense because children will want the fight to end sooner and will be happier once the parents divorce. This article shows that divorce is not that bad for most children in the long term.

  5. It is surprising to read that children only face short term negative effects after a divorce because I would think that things like this would affect children the most. It is even more surprising to read that only a small percentage of children deal with problems from divorce when 40 to 50 percent of couples are getting divorced in the United States today. It's amazing to see what types of things children are able to bounce back from but it's sad when those kids deal with problems in relationships of their own just because of the relationship between their parents.

  6. What was interesting to me in the article, “Is Divorce Bad for Children,” was that when children have divorced parents they are also likely to get into a divorce in the future. Even though this is true, my dad's parents are divorced his relationship between him and my mom is healthy. What I also found interesting was that divorce can cause a majority of stress which can affect children greatly in school. Thus, parents should be careful to not constantly fight but if they don’t truly love each other then they should divorce one another. Overall, I learned that divorce is a negative aspect in one’s life but can be resolved through a long period of time.

  7. This article first states that children generally tend to have short term negative effects after their parents divorcing. Which makes sense since children are usually very resilient and are able to adapt easier to life changing decisions like divorce.There is also very little evidence (strong at least) connecting anxiety , emotional problems, or other issues developed later in life to the divorce of their parents. For the most part how well a child can recover from a divorce depends on the parents. If the parents are very vocal about what is going and answer the child's questions , their child could have an easier time adjusting. Then child who felt left out of the process and constantly hears their parents fighting.

  8. After reading this article, I agree that children generally recover from the initial divorce quickly. When a child is young, they do not realize what is actually going on rather than a teen that understands what divorce is and why it is happening. teens see their parents arguing and may feel sad or worried where as in a child, they do not know that there is something bad going on. If a divorce occurs in a childs young age, generally they will grow up with the mind set that their parents are divorced and they think that it is a normal thing to happen.
